What is Medicare?

Medicare is a federal government health insurance program administered by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Medicare is the largest health insurance service in the country, with around 61 million Americans participating. To be eligible you must be a citizen of the United States and meet certain requirements. If you are not a citizen of the United States, you can contact the Social Security Administration office to learn if you would be eligible.

Can you answer yes to at least one of the following statements?

  • I am 65 years of age or older.
  • I am under 65, but I have certain disabilities.
  • I have End-Stage Renal Disease (kidney failure that requires a transplant or dialysis).

If so, then you are likely to be eligible for Medicare benefits.

What does Medicare Cover?

Medicare is divided into several parts simply known as Part A, Part B, Part C and Part D.

Medicare Part A – $0 Monthly Premium for most individuals. Medicare Part A provides coverage for hospitalization. It also covers a skilled nursing facility, hospice and home healthcare if certain conditions are met.

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Part A: Hospital Confinement Insurance:

Covers cost associated with confinement in a hospital

Confined Medicare Pays You Pay Up To
1-60 DaysMost confinement after the required Medicare deductible$1,676$1,676
61-90 DaysAll eligible expenses after patient pays the per-day co-payment, these are lifetime days$419 per day$12,570
91-150 DaysAll eligible expenses after patient pays the per-day co-payment, these are lifetime days$838 per day$50,280
151-515 DaysNothing100% of all costUnlimited

Part A: Skilled Nursing Confinement Insurance:

Hospitalized Medicare Pays You Pay Up To
1-20 DaysAll eligible expenses for the first 20 DaysNothingNothing
21-100 DaysAll eligible expenses after patient pays the per-day co-payment$209.50 per day$16,760
100+ DaysNothing100% of all costUnlimited
Backside view of yellow ambulance car sign

Medicare Part B – $185.00 Monthly premium for most individuals (Unless you qualify for extra help through State/Federal programs – click here). Medicare Part B provides coverage for medically necessary services such as physician services, surgical services, outpatient care, testing, Durable Medicare Supplies supplies and doctor’s services. Part B also helps cover some preventive services to help maintain your health and to keep certain illnesses from getting worse.

Covers physicians’ service, outpatient care, test, supplies, surgical services, etc.

Service Medicare Pays You Pay Up To
Medicare approved charges80%20%Unlimited
Excess charges0% – Limited to 15% of approved amount100%NA
OutpatientCoinsurance/Copayment amount varies according to serviceBalanceUnlimited
Blood80% after the first 3 pintsFirst 3 pints plus 20% additionalUnlimited
Home Health Care100% of service; 80% of Durable Medicare Supplies Supplies100% of service; 80% of Durable Medicare Supplies SuppliesUnlimited
Outside USA0%100%Unlimited